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Questions and cocktails: Tips for survey design and mixed methods research

Workshop Abstract

Good survey design seems simple, but is deceptively complex. A well designed survey is so important for accurate research data collection, and positive experiences for research participants. A poorly designed survey will limit how many participants respond, and will create a headache at data analysis and reporting time. Being a survey-design wiz is important not just for researchers but across many different career fields. Mixing methods in research (creating a quantitative / qualitative cocktail) also has some unique challenges and opportunities. In this workshop Kate will provide participants with key tips, tricks, and tools for high quality survey design and share her advice on mixed method approaches.

Developing and evaluating interventions in early childhood

Workshop Abstract

In this workshop, participants will learn best practices around developing and evaluating interventions in early childhood. We will discuss the main steps or phases in this process, from conducting observational studies, to developing interventions based on this observational work, to conducting feasibility studies of the interventions, to evaluating interventions using RCT (Randomized Control Trial) designs. The case study of the “Food For Thought” intervention design and evaluation will be discussed. Food For Thought is a school-based, family-focused program that aims to develop kindergarteners’ academic skills through family food routines such as grocery shopping, cooking, and eating together in the United States.

Doing research with young children: Methodological and ethical considerations

Workshop Abstract

This workshop starts by reflecting on the importance of children’s perspectives in understanding early childhood education and the broader social world. The theoretical underpinnings of children’s rights and children as co-constructors of knowledge are discussed. It then moves on to explore effective and ethical conducts of methodologies that involve young children as co-researchers. Participants will try out some innovative activities and methods used in research with young children, critically reflecting on the experiences and possible challenges. A particular focus of this workshop is to consider methodologies and ethics of doing research with young children in contextually-sensitive ways and beyond Western-centric principles.

Navigating the World of Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication:Insights from a JRCE Editor's Perspective

Workshop Abstract

This workshop is designed for doctoral students and young scholars who are interested in publishing their research in international peer-reviewed journals such as the Journal of Research in Childhood Education (JRCE). Through practical cases and interactive discussions, participants will gain a better understanding of the publishing process, including how to select appropriate journals, structure and write a manuscript, respond to reviewer feedback, and seek feedback from academic peers and mentors. The workshop will also cover strategies for improving academic writing skills and increasing the chances of acceptance for publication in JRCE and other peer-reviewed journals.

Qualitative content analysis in educational research: Use of traditional and advanced techniques

Workshop Abstract

One of the common ways of obtaining data and results in educational research is content analysis, a technique related to both discourse analysis and Glaser's grounded theory. The complexity of this type of technique requires currently a mixed approach by the researcher, combining traditional strategies, use of computer software, expertise in the use of these resources, and application of the appropriate contextual theories. The aim of this workshop is for participants to understand the theoretical background of qualitative content analysis and to know how to apply advanced techniques to improve it. We will analyze examples of good educational and social research based on this technique and carry out practical exercises during the session.

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